Tertulia 7: Devastated landscape of creative economy
What does it mean to be a cultural knowledge producer in a the devastated landscape of creative economy and in a new era of global fascism?
Speaker: Constanza Mendoza
In today’s paradigm of cognitive capitalism – where all knowledge becomes merchandise and where science and economies plan and control all subjective life without the necessity of governmental control – is there any chance that art can be still effective for subverting the structures of experience and perception? Under the intent of imagining the relationship between politics and knowledge, organization and subjectivity, Constanza Mendoza will present us her ongoing collaborating work in two projects: Lab for playful thought and Extracted Bodies_Corporeal Grounds.
Constanza Mendoza:
Born in the Atacama Desert in 1971, she studied sculpture and new media art in the Massana School of Art. Her work has been displayed in Barcelona Madrid, Málaga, San Sebastián, London, Berlin and Paris
For the artist, visual arts are a process of critical knowledge incrementation. In this scene, she researches and produces images, texts and events where topics intersect without the academic restrictions or boundaries that are imposed in a knowledge field or discipline.
Her more recent work address the economy of desire (The Displacement) as well as perception politics and geometry (Dance of Paradoxes), multiplicity and animalism (the Monkey Woman), exile and memory (Alma Project) and architecture of necro-politics (Unterstadt).
she lives and works in Berlin since 2009.
Date: 26th of March, 2018
Place: GlogauAir